What’s Wrong with Susan G. Komen?

It’s clear that Susan G. Komen season is already upon us even though GS Cookie season seems to still be enforce.  So what’s the big deal with Susan G. Komen?  A quick glance at the 2013-2014 Komen Idaho Grantees shows exactly why anyone concerned about the sanctity of human life should avoid Komen.

While Komen-Planned-Parenthood-logosSusan G. Komen Idaho’s mission statement is, “Fight Breast Cancer in Idaho” at least a portion of their funds are given to family planning clinics who do not even perform mammograms.  Most notably among them is Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest.  This is justified because they state, “providing a voucher for mammogram screening services…seen in Family Planning Clinic…”  Planned Parenthood states, “…directly connect them to screening, mammography via free vouchers…”  They go on to say, “…We will hold five screening dates and two education sessions…”  So in short, Planned Parenthood aborts babies and puts their mothers at greater risk of getting breast cancer all year long BUT less than once every other month they hand out mammogram vouchers.  Good job guys!  Way to care for women’s health!

If Komen is really concerned about ending breast cancer, why don’t they just fund the organizations that actually perform mammograms?  Why give money to organizations who will only skim some off the top and then pass what’s left over to the real healthcare providers?

Anyone Concerned about Breast Cancer Should Avoid Komen

While Susan G. Komen seems to be in love with Planned Parenthood and the like, numerous studies have shown an increased risk of breast cancer in women have had abortions or use hormonal birth control. Just take a second to recall when hormonal birth control became popular.  Now remember how a few short years later abortion became legal.  So at what point did breast cancer become so common place?  Yeah, seeing the connection now?

So on the one hand Komen works to end breast cancer but on the other they fund organizations who ensure breast cancer will continue to spread.  It’s almost like somebody is getting rich off pretending to care about breast cancer.  That depends, do you consider someone who makes $684,000 a year rich?